

Congresses, trade fairs, events: our experience and our excellence at your service for more than 50 years.

7 agencies throughout France

Your international logistics solution

Icone d'un cercle rouge
Icone d'un triangle jaune
icone d'un carré bleu

Clamageran Expositions: your logistics solution for trade fairs, congresses and events

Clamageran Expositions is a global logistics specialist, leader in international and national exhibitions, events and congresses in France and meets all your needs in terms of national and international freight.

CLAMAGERAN Expositions has more than 50 years of experience in organizing trade show freight, processing customs requirements as a customs agent and organizing international transport. We are your all-in-one logistics solution for your trade fairs, congresses and events.

Organization of national and international fairs

Clamageran Expositions has permanent offices in the main exhibition centers, further proof that exhibition logistics is one of the pillars of our business and constitutes one of our core values.

We plan, process and administer trade fair logistics all year round, from high season to quieter periods.

With Clamageran Expositions, trade show logistics are real, we live with and for your future trade shows and events, challenge us and give us the opportunity to offer you our all-in-one logistics service.

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50 years of commitment in the international logistics sector


Customs broker

On-site handling assistance

Clamageran Expositions is your privileged partner for dedicated services, carried out by logistics experts with the ambition of providing optimal solutions for all your exhibition needs.

Image de moyens de transports : avion, camion et bateau
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